
Each comment must start with # (space hash). Everything following in that line is comment and will be removed from output If your pattern uses #, escape it like \#


::functionName(arg1 ;; arg2 ;; arg3) ## Comments if you want
  • The function must be the only thing on the line. Comments allowed.
  • Args must not be quoted. Every arg will be trimmed (surrounding whitespace is removed).
  • Args are separated by ' ;; ' (space semicolon semicolon space)


Functions can accept a refs list as an argument. Each ref is closed in double moustaches {{refname}}

## Combine selected refs with the bar (|) separator
::combine( {{ref1}}{{ref2}}{{ref3}} ;; |)

Each ref name can be composed of a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and/or special chars: . - _


$dataSet = [ 'one'=> 'one ::ref(two)', // 'one'=> 'one ::ref(two ;; {{na}}{{cool}}{{happy}})', 'two'=> 'two ::ref(three)', 'three'=> 'three' ]; $startReg = $dataSet['one']; // $funcHandler = new \RegWithSimpleArray($dataSet); $br = new \RegWithSimpleArray($dataSet);

$finalReg = $br->parse($startReg); $targetReg= 'one two three'; // $finalReg == $targetReg


<<<REGEX One #a comment at the start

Another start of line comment

\ eol_esc_slash\\\\\\ eol_space_test\\\\\
abc\ #Should this be a comment? It IS, only because making it NOT a comment is much more complicated & harder to communicate. def\ #this IS a comment ghi\ #this is not a comment jkl\\ #this IS a comment # \ Two # Am a comment ( ( # Am another comment #Three # This seems like a lot of comments #[0-9] # You need escape your # lie # to use a space + hash as not-a-comment ))? REGEX,


'One\#\ \ \ eol_esc_slash\\\\\\eol_space_test\\\\\ abc\ def\ ghi\ \#this is not a commentjkl\\\ Two( (#Three))?',


::funcName(arg1 ;; arg2 ;; {{BabySeal}}{{HappyCat}}{{FunnyGiraffe}})




class AnimalStuffs extends BetterReg {

public function regFuncName($namespace, $arg1, $arg2, $animals){
    $arg1 == 'arg1';
    $arg2 == 'arg2';
    $animals == ['BabySeal','HappyCat','FunnyGiraffe'];
    return $arg1.'-'.$arg2.'-'.$animals[2];
